Old Ladies’ Home Grant from Community Foundation: Senior Access Program at NBM - NBM-MNB

Old Ladies’ Home Grant from Community Foundation: Senior Access Program at NBM

New Brunswick Museum (NBM) is pleased to announce a new Senior Access Program made possible by a bequest from the Old Ladies’ Home through the Community Foundation.

NBM’s new program, currently in the development phase, will reduce barriers to access the New Brunswick Museum. The Seniors’ Tea and Tour, delivered by museum staff, will incorporate current standards in addressing cognitive and physical needs of senior visitors to the museum. NBM has established agreements with referring partners so that we can reach clients in financial need. The program will be offered to a variety of nursing homes and community groups throughout the region.

In Montreal, Toronto, and the UK, doctors are currently prescribing visits to museums. In November 2018, the British Journal of Psychiatry reported that “…visiting museums every few months or more was associated with a lower incidence rate of dementia….” NBM plans to develop a better access strategy for seniors in the Greater Saint John Area to engage with museum tours. New Brunswick Museum is a valuable community resource for seniors. With the wide range of collections and exhibitions at NBM, program staff can choose content with great relevance to local seniors’ groups, often with direct connections for participants.

This funding opportunity from the Community Foundation will allow NBM to develop a valuable program that may be continued in future years by private donations and other sources of support. Senior groups wishing to consult in the planning phase or book tours when the program is rolled out this winter may contact the NBM at 1-888-268-9595 or through our website at www.nbm-mnb.ca or on facebook.com/nbmmnb.

For more information:

Caitlin Griffiths or Aristi Dsilva, Communications & Marketing, New Brunswick Museum
(506) 654-7059 or (506) 643-2358